Excellent Cat Tips For Taking Care Of Your Pet

When your cat isn’t napping, it will need something to entertain them. They will get into everything and tear up furniture when they are alone. Prevent this from happening by investing in some cat toys. Discover some great ways to keep cats happy in the article below.

If your cat is an outdoor cat or a cat that has a habit of getting outside, they need proper identification. The cat should have a safety collar and an ID tag. Safety collars that have elastic bands allow cats to get out of the collar if they get it caught on something. An ID tag or an implanted microchip can help your cat get returned if they’re lost.

Avoid being kept awake by your cat romping through the house at night. When you first get your kitten, establish a habit of putting it to bed in a comfortable crate with a nice bed, litter box, food and water at night. If you start this early, your cat will appreciate having its own safe, cozy room.

Cats and electrical cords don’t mix. If you notice your cat has a habit of chewing on electric cords, try to bundle them up and hide them out of the cat’s reach. If that’s not possible, spray a little bit of bitter apple onto the cords. Not only is bitter apple non-toxic, cats absolutely hate the taste.

Make sure you have a good pet carrier or basket for transporting your cats from one location to the next. A proper carrier or basket should have enough room for them to turn around in comfortably. It should also be easy to clean. Make sure that it is lined with a blanket, cushion, or towel to help it stay comfortable and cozy for them when traveling.

Be sure you think about your cat’s ears when traveling. Cats tend to prefer gentle sounds during the day. To keep you cat from feeling nervous, keep the volume at a lower level. A trip is already stressful for a pet.

Cats feel safest in an elevated location. A cat will only be happy if you give it a safe spot to look over everything. If you can’t afford a cat tree, give the cat an empty shelf of his own. Make sure that this area is comfortable for your cat.

If your cat dirties the space near his litter box, don’t punish them. Usually this is a sign that you haven’t cleaned the box recently. If your pet is punished, you won’t do anything but make it afraid of you.

If you want a cat to come your way, it may be a good idea for you to refrain from looking at them. Cats do not like it when people look them directly in the eye, so they tend to go the other way. This is why it seems as if cats always gravitate toward people who are not really fond of animals.

Keep a breakaway collar and tag on your cat. This will be important even if you have an indoor cat. Cats are curious creatures and an open door or window is likely to be explored. Your cat’s identification tags should provide your contact info and that of your veterinarian. This is especially true for cats with medical conditions.

If you have more than one cat, it is a good idea for you to give them each their own food bowls. Place them far apart so that each cat has their space. If you provide just one bowl for the cats to share, it may cause larger cats to bully the smaller ones.

If your cat is not getting trained to use the litter box as fast as you would like, there are sprays available that can make things a bit easier. These sprays have a scent that will attract your cat to the box, which means they will be more likely to go there when they need to use the bathroom.

Don’t buy a closed litter box without first considering the disadvantages. True, it’s nice that you don’t have to see the contents of the litter box. However, odors tend to build up in closed boxes, making it necessary to clean it more frequently. Covered litter boxes also constrict your cat’s movement, which is a problem for larger pets.

Cats have an uncanny ability to always find their way home. If you move to a new home, keep your cat inside for about a month. This will help your cat to familiarize themselves with the smells of your new place. If you let your cat out too soon, they might go home to the wrong house.

When you’re smitten with your kitten, it’s tempting to dole out treats generously. However, treats are meant to be just that. They lack the nutritional value of regular cat food. Treats should not make up more than 5 percent of your pet’s daily diet. Any more than that may prevent your cat from receiving the nutrients it needs for good health.

Scoop your cat box several times a day. Cats prefer a very clean environment when they use the restroom, and they will often choose not to use the litter box if it is not clean. Try to scoop it every time they use it for best results, especially if your cats are picky.

Cats have lots of energy, so make sure they expel that energy on their toys instead of your furniture. Keeping cats busy can keep them from tearing up your house. You should apply the tips you just read and do more research on the different things you can use to take care of your cat.


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